A story shared…
PeaceWise was recently contacted by someone who was experiencing some concerns at work. In response we were able to offer some free conflict coaching. The person receiving the coaching was truly blessed by the coaching and was happy to share their experience, that it might encourage and bring the hope of the gospel to others.
Testimony from Jane
* not their real name
Jane had some concerns at work. When a meeting had been set up with two of her managers, Jane was nervous about what would transpire. Jane recalled attending PeaceWise training some years previously and so contacted PeaceWise to see whether they could provide a person to sit in on the meeting and provide godly support.
PeaceWise responded by calling Jane and coaching her through the situation. We were able to find out more about the situation, encourage her with some practical counsel on how to prepare for the meeting, remind her that God is sovereign and that she could trust Him, and to pray for her.
Jane was kind enough to contact us after the meeting and this is what she said:
“I am very grateful for your time last Friday. I was able to put in place some of the practical things discussed and this really helped.
Eg, thinking, praying and preparing for worse case scenarios, thinking on things that are true such as, God is in charge and I can trust Him, God’s value of me is not based on me being good or what I do, if I trust God and experience loss God is enough, and knowing He can bring all things together for good that even this situation is good for me. I also had more confidence to ask to know more about the meeting beforehand, and whether I could bring a support person with me as I felt uncertain about what might be discussed.
In response to my asking, my managers provided a bit more information prior to the meeting which helped me to prepare. They also agreed to a support person. Because of the strength and support in God, I felt that I would have been ok without someone with me, however I am so glad that the support person agreed to come. The discussion was very adversarial and difficult and I’m grateful for this person’s godly presence in prayer, as well as their words in the meeting when they were asked to give feedback at the end. Their being asked to provide feedback was not expected, however the person used this opportunity well. The support person was also able to give me good feedback afterwards and provide insights into the situation.I
I am still walking through this, however [being involved in the meeting] was a stepping stone. May God bless you and may God bless and use PeaceWise greatly in Australia!
Fellow servant in Christ“
If you are in a conflict situation and would like some support and prayer why not get in touch and find out more about our two free 40 minute conflict coaching sessions.