The uncommon path
The uncommon path No matter how similar people are to each other, or how much they share the same values and passions, we still have differences. Many of these differences arise simply because ...
The uncommon path
The uncommon path No matter how similar people are to each other, or how much they share the same values and passions, we still have differences. Many of these differences arise simply because ...
Heart Surgery
Heart Surgery The story of the bungled “snatching” by Queensland mother Sally Faulkner of her two young children in Lebanon hit Australian national headlines in 2016. It is not difficult ...
Your church split over what?!?
Your church split over what?!? We’ve all heard about churches that seem to split over small disagreements. The colour of the new carpet. The music they sing. The choice of leaders, and their ...
Peacemaking in the waiting
Peacemaking in the waiting “You’re waiting so patiently” … the nurse looked at me and called out across the hall of the Emergency Department. I smiled and nodded in her direction, while ...
Peacemaking worst case scenarios
Peacemaking worst case scenarios Recently, I was part of four people playing a game in which people guess how someone will rank five totally disastrous scenarios. The choices are bad, ...
Peace Wise: Lessons I’ve learned from Taylor Swift
Peace Wise: Lessons I’ve learned from Taylor Swift I hate conflict. I absolutely hate it. If you put me on the slippery slope, I would slide right on off the avoidance side and run into the ...
painters and peacemakers
painters and peacemakers I recently went to an interactive exhibition featuring artwork from the well-loved Impressionist painters including Monet. As I wandered through the rooms set up ...
Is God always good in conflict?
Is God always good in conflict? You have no doubt heard the phrase “God is good all the time and all the time God is good.” This is undoubtedly true. Yet during conflict, we can be ...
when grief is overwhelming
when grief is overwhelming Like many, the images and stories pouring forth from Gaza over the last couple of months have shocked and horrified me. I cannot even begin to understand the ...
I’d really rather just leave it alone
I'd really rather just leave it alone overlooking and forgiveness One of the joys of my working with PeaceWise is how it’s helped me to engage with individuals seeking a godly and biblical ...
one-sided peacemaking and postures of peace
one-sided peacemaking and postures of peace “First Church” has many strained or broken relationships. After trying his best in a messy situation, one ministry leader reached out to another in ...
You have got to be joking!
It is easier, and more comfortable, to judge the other person’s role in a conflict. The surprising thing is that when we take responsibility and apologise first, often this leads the other person to admit their part! This opens the door for reconciliation...
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