join us in prayer
The ministry of PeaceWise is built on prayer. It infuses both our long-term planning and our daily ministry activity.
Our basic decision-making model is in fact “it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us” (Acts 15:28 – and see also the excellent book by Ruth Haley Barton – Pursuing God’s Will Together – a discernment practice for leadership groups).
We would be deeply honoured if you would pray for us.

join the Chair’s prayer team
If you would like to pray for us when there are serious issues or areas needing prayer, then please contact our Chair, Jeroen Bruins. He has a team of around 100 serious pray-ers who he sends occasional emails to when there are important things that need deep, urgent or long-term prayer.
For example, an important mediation coming up (no identifying details are disclosed), a significant issue we are asking God to resolve, an opportunity we are hoping will eventuate etc.
If you would like to be part of this dedicated prayer team, please complete the form below.

join the Chair’s prayer team
stay updated on prayer points through our monthly e-newsletter Peace it together
On an ongoing basis, the easiest way to know things to pray for us is to sign up for our monthly e-newsletter Peace it Together, which you can do below.