We believe PeaceWise training will equip and encourage Christians to live out the gospel practically in their relationships and so help Christians mature, making following Jesus attractive. This is why we would be so grateful for your help to share this training with others!
This page includes a number of different resources, which will assist you in sharing about upcoming events with your family, friends, workplace, church and community.
You can jump to any of the resource sections by clicking on the relevant button below.
Please be aware that further resources for other upcoming events will be added to this page in time.
Here are a couple of tips for using these resources:
1. We would suggest taking a couple of minutes to look through the various resources to familiarise yourself with them and plan when and how you can share them.
2. If there is a resource that is not included here that would help you promote the training, please let us know so we can look at creating this for you. We would ask that you do not create your own material to promote the training.
social media resources
You can use the images below to share about the upcoming PeaceWise training on your social media platforms. Please see the template resource section below for suggested accompanying text which you can use when using any of the below images.
Online training
Sydney training – Panania Anglican Church

Adelaide training – Hills Baptist Church
Tasmania training – The Branch Christian Church

video resources
The first two videos below provide a short introduction and explanation of the first two PeaceWise courses. The “training testimonial” video shares three people’s experience of training and how they have been impacted by attending. You can play the videos directly from this page. Alternatively, please contact us at enquiry@peacewise.org.au if you would like to access the videos in an alternative format.
Everyday peacemaking intro video
Heart of peacemaking intro video
training testimonial video
powerpoint slides
The slides below are ideal to use at a Sunday service to remind your church congregation of the upcoming training. However, feel free to use these in other contexts as well.
template resources
The below templates provide suggested wording for electronic communication with your church congregation as well as family and friends. You can use the templates in their entirety or alternatively you can just use the sections you need.
church newsletter text template
church email text template
social post text template
general email text template
church text message template
flyer resources
The flyers below can be downloaded and shared electronically. If you plan on printing copies for physical distribution we kindly ask that you print all copies in colour and on quality paper.
Sydney training flyer

Adelaide training flyer

Tasmania training flyer