welcome to PeaceWiseYouth
Help young people have better relationships and resolve conflict in a healthy way
PeaceWiseYouth is a Christian program that equips young people to deal with challenging relationships and conflict in healthy, constructive & life-changing ways. All courses are created to be led by an adult using the materials we provide.
There are also courses with additional online content and features for Years 7-10.
The course for Years 11-12 and young adults – “Being a peacemaker in a complex world” – uniquely integrates peacemaking principles, worldview thinking and engagement with “hot topics” which often cause conflict.
the full range of courses we offer
click on a course below for specific course information
peacemaking in high school
PeaceWiseYouth courses for high school aged children can be delivered in three main ways…
high schools and beyond
The courses can be taught in class as part of achieving curriculum outcomes.
The course for Years 11-12 and young adults – “Being a peacemaker in a complex world” – is also suitable for teaching to young adults up to around age 25.
scripture classes
The courses for Years 7-8 and Years 9-10 are SRE authorised by the Baptist Union of NSW for use in State high schools in NSW .

families and homeschools
You can teach the material in your homes! For example as part of ongoing family devotions time or as part of a home-schooling programme.
a free flyer explaining the course which you can share with parents or others

We’ve written a flyer you can download to share about the PeaceWiseYouth courses with others.
This is designed for:
- schools wanting to share with parents interested in what their young people are learning
- home school leaders to share witxh parents
- anyone interested in being able to simply share about the course with someone else
If you’d like access to this free flyer as a digital file you can share, just hit the button below and we will send it to you. If you would like to print the flyer, please let us know how many you would like and we can supply these in beautiful full colour for a small fee.
teaching in a State-based high school
There are very strict legislative requirements which apply to the teaching of Scripture/SRE/Religious Instruction within State-based schools. The approval processes vary enormously, and what is permitted in one State may or may not be in another.
Courses 5 and 6 (for Yrs 7 and 8 and Yrs 9 and 10) are SRE authorised by the Baptist Union of NSW and approved for use in State high schools in NSW by Generate.
Note that no courses are “accredited” for Christian Religious Instruction in State schools in Queensland.
every young person needs help with relationships – just like we do!
It’s normal for every young person to participate in unfriendly behaviour at school or with friends on some level, even in a really subtle or unintentional way. This could be teasing, bullying, exclusion or just plain selfishness.
Our courses help youth understand relationships within a Christian framework in their language and in a fun and interactive way. We give them the practical tools to address their problem relationships and build better friendships.
With their new skills, young people have a greater understanding of themselves and their peers. Being a peacemaker is a “life-skill” they can then take with them for the rest of their lives. And use it to change their world.

What is the new PeaceWiseKids and PeaceWiseYouth website?
After a huge amount of hard work, the new PeaceWiseKids website is LIVE!
This means that all new course purchases going forward, when you or your students go to use PeaceWiseKids or PeaceWiseYouth will look very different and be so much better.
Click on the video below to see a demo of the new site!
Do I need to have done the adult PeaceWise training to teach PeaceWiseKids or PeaceWiseYouth?
This is not required – but it will help a lot!
As you know, it’s not just a case of being familiar with the concepts – it’s also a case of applying them personally in your own life that makes a huge difference when teaching them to others – in this case, the students.
Can I have a PeaceWise training day at my school?
Many schools choose to run our “Everyday Peacemaking for Schools” training day for the whole school to ensure all staff (including admin and other departments) are familiar with the principles and have seen their relevance and power in their own lives first, before teaching and modelling them to students.
Training includes a dedicated section on running Peace WiseKids/PeaceWiseYouth within a school.