Teach young people to be peacemakers for life

ages 12-14 | Course 5

typically years 7-8 of school

Help youth have better relationships and resolve conflict in a healthy way

PeaceWiseYouth is a Christian program that equips young people to deal with challenging relationships and conflict in healthy, constructive & life-changing ways.

Every lesson begins with our engaging teaching videos – then you take over to teach the rest of the lesson using the material we provide.

who’s this for and what’s it about?

ages 12-14

typically year 7 and 8 of school

Video presenters, animated cartoons, interactive activities.

Jacob and Charlotte work towards peace through teen conflict scenarios

Theme: Teen relational conflict stories

students will learn…

understanding conflict


This is the WHAT part
Young people learn what conflict is, where it came from, and a basic framework they can use in any conflict situation

responding to conflict


This is the HOW part
Young people learn the principles, skills and tools needed to be peacemakers

peacemakers for life


This is the INSPIRATIONAL part
Young people learn that as they apply these principles, they can be bringing peace both into their own relationships and into the communities to which they belong

course content

PeaceWiseYouth aims to teach young people to be peacemakers in all parts of their life and for all of their life.  Whilst the practical focus of the course is on teaching how to have strong relationships with others through practising peacemaking using the principles found in the Bible, the course also aims to reveal to the students both how great God’s love for them is, and how wonderful Jesus is.  

Students will recognise their own responses to conflict and understand that biblical peacemaking is based on a four-part process of putting God first (1 Corinthians 10:31), owning their part in a conflict (Matthew 7:3-5), talking it over with the other person (Galatians 6:1) and making it right between them (Matthew 5:23-24).

course characters


The stirrer

Likes to be cool in front of his friends

Often denies there’s a conflict or his part in it


The one he stirs most!

May react to teasing with gossip

Does prefer to make peace though…

The rest of the gang

Hunter, Hayley, Ethan and more

Getting involved in all kinds of challenging situations – sometimes helping, sometimes not so much!

where do I teach it?

The class teacher will decide where best to fit the content within their learning plans for each week. For example, some teachers may prefer to teach a whole topic at once, whilst others will prefer to break the content up through the week.

The course has been designed to map to Australian Curriculum descriptors spanning a wide range of subjects including Health and Physical Education, English, The Arts, HASS and Science/Maths.

course details at a glance

books - being a peacemaker in a complex world

15 topics/lessons taught in three modules

number of topics

  • 5 topics make up Module 1 – understanding conflict
  • 5 topics make up Module 2 – responding to conflict
  • 5 topics make up Module 3 – embedding the concepts and skills – learning to peacemakers for life

All topics and modules are designed to be done sequentially, as each builds on the one before.

clock - being a peacemaker in a complex world

Approximately 30-50 minutes

lesson length

An example lesson breakup could be…

  • 5-7 minutes of video content
  • 15-25 minutes of teacher directed activities
  • 10-18 minutes of online or workbook time

screen - being a peacemaker in a complex world

Videos + class interaction + online or in class activities

course format

  • Stimulus videos with key teaching input
  • Teacher directed lessons
  • Student activities – either online or workbook

calendar - being a peacemaker in a complex world

12 months

how long can I use it?

Purchase of this course provides the user with a 12 month licence to use all course content.

For schools and home schools, the 12 months runs on the school year of the country in question (e.g. Jan to Dec in Australia and New Zealand, Sep to Aug for the US)

take a closer look at Course 5…

Check out this sampler video below – the first topic in the course. You can also have a closer look at a sample lesson plan as well.

the benefits of a whole of school approach

For schools, there is the unique opportunity to have everyone in the school using the same language, concepts and relational principles.

This is because:

  • there are courses available from Kindergarten through to the end of school
  • all courses are mapped to Australian Curriculum outcomes,
  • all courses have the same core underlying framework and topics – but adjusted to different age levels and with different themes and ways of presenting the content.

This means those teaching the principles can share the same core concepts and tools across multiple age groups, and there is consistency of learning at all age levels. There is the development of a “common language” within the School.

For example, a school could run the program in both primary and high school, or across multiple year groups in either, and the students and staff will all be “on the same page” with what is being learned.

Note that within schools, there is also the option for PeaceWise to deliver Everyday Peacemaking for Schools training for all staff, as well as parent seminars.

This opens up the prospect of building a healthy relational “culture” with the whole community and facilitates a “whole of school” approach.

get started

Take the next step by hitting one of the buttons below to get started – and please feel free to reach out to us if you need help.

For larger groups like schools, we highly recommend you contact us before you buy so we answer any questions about the course and help you make sure you pick the right resources for your students. 😉

For schools, we also have package pricing for whole of school purchases.