Peacemaking in marriages – Sarah and Chris’s story

Today, Sarah and Chris* are working on restoring their marriage. They are going on dates again, they are sharing their lives with each other and they are rediscovering the depth of love which drew them together when they first met. But not so long ago, things were very different.

Sarah and Chris came to PeaceWise in crisis. They were each so convinced that their marriage was over and could not be saved that they had brought in the lawyers. There had been long-term hurt, and a breakdown in trust. How could anything change? Thanks to your prayers and support, PeaceWise was able to begin a process of intense conflict coaching and Christian mediation with them. We encouraged both parties to let God work in the deep places of their heart to reveal those ‘heart idols’ which had got in the way of their relationship with each other and with God.

And miraculously, through much pain, they were able to confess their wrongs and hurts to each other, and to forgive each other. They were able to confess to God, and to know the power and comfort of his forgiveness, made possible through Jesus’ death and resurrection – the greatest gift given by God to show his love for us (John 3:16, 1 Peter 2:24). And they were able to put in place a plan to restore their marriage!

Someone close to you might be struggling today… maybe in their marriage, maybe with parents, children or in-laws or maybe in some other kind of conflict. In situations like these, you can often lose hope. But not our God. In the midst of even the worst of conflicts, our God is there. Ours is the God who promises Joshua before the Israelites enter Canaan, “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you” (Joshua 1:5). Ours is the God who says to the Egyptian servant Hagar who had been mistreated and cast out, “I see you, I care for you, I will bless you” (see Genesis 16). With God, there is always hope, for the Bible promises us, “nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).

PeaceWise exists to share that hope and the gift of peace through biblical principles and the power of Christ, and to teach others how to do the same. Thank you for your partnership in this ministry!

* not their real names

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