Deeper into Conflict Coaching pre-course material
Thank you for registering for Deeper into Conflict Coaching training!
Please find below the pre-course work, which needs to be completed prior to training. As this is a more advanced course, there is a higher expectation of the work you will do to prepare.
You will need to allocate about 4 hours preparation time, plus you are expected to have read all of The Peacemaker by Ken Sande before you arrive at the course.
Completing this prep work will be essential for maximising your learning experience. It is also necessary to ensure you are properly prepared for the two major practical activities involved in the course.
Please also be aware that on the first night of the course, you will need to do probably around two hours of work to prepare for the second day of training.
Preparatory work
Please click and download the following (highlighted in purple) and do what each dot point says you need to with each of these items:
- Personal Self Application Study (complete before training) Note: You MAY wish to use this for the situation that you get coached on during the training – but if so, it must meet the requirements for what is a suitable kind of conflict – see the guidance for this in the section on Day 1 below.
- Role Play Facts & Information Day 1 (read carefully before training and print out and bring to the training)
- Role Play Facts & Information Day 2 (read carefully before training and print out and bring to the training)
- Preparation for Conflict Coaching (bring to training – don’t complete)
Please also make sure you have read The Peacemaker by Ken Sande. This resource is foundational for gaining a strong biblical framework for resolving conflict and is the basis for all PeaceWise training. It is vital that you have read this book before attending, as the basic concepts are assumed knowledge for this training.
Day 1: Choose to use either a real life situation OR attached role play for Day 1
The practical activity on Day One will involve pairing up with a peer. You will both be coached and do conflict coaching with that person. Both the person you will coach, and YOU when you are coaching them, will have the choice to use either a real life conflict, OR the Day One Role Play (Workplace Ice Age) which is included in the link above.
If possible, we encourage you to prepare to use a real life situation you are currently facing, as this will enhance the learning experience. If you do take this option, because of the personal nature of this activity, it is VITAL that you follow these guidelines when deciding which conflict situation you will use:
Choose a conflict situation that is relatively simple and easy to communicate e.g. a disagreement with a family member, co-worker, neighbour or someone from your church that is real and will sustain some extended conflict coaching, but not of really high intensity. Eg. it might be a conflict relating to: how to run a ministry activity, how issues get communicated or worked through in a workplace context
lack of clarity on roles or expectations that has led to disappointment or criticism, gossip or negative comments or white-anting.
The conflict situation should be one where you can easily identify both the material and the personal issues involved as well as the positions you and any other parties have taken.
Really important stuff you must take into account
Because the purpose of this exercise is for learning, and because all the participants will be “learning” how to go deeper into conflict coaching, we ask that you DO NOT choose a situation/conflict that involves:
- deep/complex issues with a high level of emotional intensity
- infidelity
- any type of abuse
Even if you are comfortable sharing these types of more intense situations, it is important not to raise anything that might “overwhelm” or be “too much” for your fellow coach. This is necessary to ensure that the proper care and respect is given to the peer you are sharing with, as they may not be comfortable or experienced enough to discuss deep and complex conflict situations.
Day 2: Extended role play using the Family Feud role play facts provided
On Day Two of the course, the practical component will involve partaking in a role play scenario designed to further develop and strengthen your conflict coaching skills. This role play is a deeper level conflict, and will involve practising the skills you have learned on Day One.
Please make sure that you allow time on the evening of Day 1 to prepare adequately for your extended Day 2 role play.
We are confident this training will be a significant learning experience and we can’t wait to meet you there!
Please be assured of our prayers for you as you prepare for this training – it is going to be awesome!
The PeaceWise Team