how can I get involved with PeaceWise?
PeaceWise delights in having people join the community of peacemakers – this is a holy calling from the Lord Jesus, and we can all be part of it.
Here below are a range of different ideas – but please do reach out to us so that we can discuss what seems right for you!
PeaceWise is seeking an Administration and Communications officer to help meet the needs of a rapidly growing ministry!

PeaceWise hubs
Visiting a hub gives you the opportunity to meet up with others interested in learning to be peacemakers and encouraging each other on the way.

There are many different ways to support the work God is doing in helping people learn to be peacemakers for life.
You might be gifted in or passionate about…
- office admin
- training admin volunteer
- photography
- graphic design
- IT support
- social media
- stocktaking
- bookkeeping
- promoting the ministry
- talking to people about PeaceWiseKids or PeaceWiseYouth
- fundraising
- leading a hub (or supporting a hub leader)
- or something else!
We would love to talk to you about this – so hit the button below for more info 😉

The ministry of PeaceWise is built on prayer. It infuses both our long-term planning and our daily ministry activity. Our basic decision-making model is in fact “it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us” (Acts 15:28 – and see also the excellent book by Ruth Haley Barton – Pursuing God’s Will Together – a discernment practice for leadership groups).
We would be deeply honoured if you would pray for us.
On an ongoing basis, the best way to know things to pray for us is to sign up for our monthly e-newsletter Peace it Together. You can sign up here.
If you would like to pray for us when there are serious issues or areas needing prayer, then please contact our Chair, Jeroen Bruins. He has a team of around 100 serious pray-ers who he sends occasional emails to when there are important things that need deep, urgent or long-term prayer. For example, an important mediation coming up (no identifying details are disclosed), a significant issue we are asking God to resolve, an opportunity we are hoping will eventuate etc.

You can make a real difference in this world by supporting peace – the active work of trying to bring peace into relationships, one relationship at a time.
Whether this is to support training people to learn how to bring peace into their own lives or the lives of others, giving to PeaceWiseKids or something else, we deeply value every gift to support this work.

being a conflict coach
If you have done all of our training up to Deeper into Conflict Coaching, you may be able to become one of our trusted team who provide our free conflict coaching and prayer support service.
This depends partly on your sense of calling and partly our sense of your readiness to provide this service to others who are struggling with conflict.
If this is something that interests you, please talk to us about this part of our ministry.

share your story
If you have a story which would testify to how being a peacemaker has helped you honour and please God, bless and serve others and/or helped you become more like Christ, we would love to hear it!! Or if you have a story about how PeaceWiseKids/PeaceWiseYouth has impacted a child or young person in your life, we would love to hear how!